Thursday, January 5, 2012

Not Just a Supermom Anymore!

Yes, I haven't blogged here in 8 months. Life got in the way. But a lot has changed since my last blog.

For starters, my boys are both in school full time. This means I have 6.5 hours of daytime bliss...I mean, time to get stuff done! So, to help supplement our little family's income level, this Supermom went and got a J-O-B! I'm a modern day lunch lady. Meaning, I unload boxes of prepackaged food for the children of today to consume in their 20 minutes of lunchtime. It's not curing cancer, but it is a fun, little 3 hour job. The best part is I have the same schedule my kids do. So when they're out of school, I'm off work. And, I still have a hour in the morning to do stuff like this, and an hour and a half in the afternoon to run errands/take naps/sit at Starbucks and play Words With Friends/volunteer in my kids class! It's a win-win for all! 

However, going from a full time stay at home mom to even just working 3 hours a day is a huge adjustment! I have less time to do the necessary things that I guess I may have taken for granted before. Now instead of having a whole 6 hours to bust out laundry, I'm having to do a few loads here and there. And instead of being able to get all the Costco/Target/Safeway trips done in one day, I have to get what I can done in an hour, then rush to the school to get the boys. But, thanks to a supportive hubby, I'm managing well. 

So, this Supermom has another gold star to put on her cape. And while I'm at it, I suppose I can patch those holes in the knees of the boy's never ends!