Friday, May 13, 2011

My blog must need more caffeine...

I have posted a total of four blogs. Two of them just *whoosh*, disappeared. Just like my youth, my sleep, my thin legs, my flat belly. All gone. I wish my thighs and butt would just *whoosh*, disappear!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My coffee is cold.

When you're a caffeinated supermom like myself, one thing is obvious. I love my coffee. I love the smell of it, the taste of it, the feel of a warm cup in my hands. And, of course, how it makes me feel less like a zombie perks me up. There are very few things I will allow to get in between me and my cup of necessity in the morning. One of those things is a conversation with another supermom friend.

Sometimes, as a busy mom, you get so busy that you'll find almost two weeks have gone by since you were able to sit down and chat with friends. So there are times when you will chat with someone for an hour while standing in the sun. It doesn't matter how bad your back hurts, or how you're longing for that warm cup of coffee back in your car.

So, I raise this cold cup of coffee to you, my friend in the blue car, and I say thank you for listening to me vent to you this morning. In the school parking lot. While you little girl protested by eating her toes in the backseat. And my coffee got cold. You're worth it. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why yes, you can have sleepless nights without an infant!

It is true, ladies and gents. A sleepless night does not require an infant. It can come about many different ways.
  • You being sick.
  • Your child being sick, no matter the age.
  • Your spouse being ill. (Face it, men are like big babies kids when sick.)
  • Your brain refusing to shut down due to worry about your child.
  • Wondering if you did, in fact, forget to pay the mortgage.
  • Excitement or anticipation for a big event the next day.
  • Dread or anticipation for a big confrontation the next day.
  • A snoring husband.
Guess which one kept me up all flipping night? 

If you guessed my own brain, YOU WIN a big shiny nothing.

Yep, last night was one of those nights where you toss, you turn, you think about what is to come the following day. What should I say? What WILL I say? What will they say? If they say this, what should I do next? ARGH!!! GO TO SLEEP!!

But no, precious sleep eluded me. Stupid brain....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails....

....Minus the snips. What are those, anyhow?!?!

I'm clearing off our dining room table. Now this is no ordinary dining room table. First of all, it's not even in a dining room. It's in our kitchen.

Second, not just dining happens at this table. This is the setting for homework, painting, playdough fun, drinking games, chatting, meetings, school projects, and sometimes, even ironing. One might call it a "life table".

So, as I'm clearing off random toys my 5 year old left behind before school today, I pick up a book. This book is from his school, and has been in our home for over a week. As I'm carrying it to it's clip on the fridge, something falls to the floor.


Now, this isn't the first time I've found a snail in random places in my home. Once, there was a poor, smushed snail in my 7 year old's backpack. Another time, in his lunchbox. More often than not, they're in their pants pockets. Sometimes they even get a spin in the washing machine. Once, the dryer.


How long had it been there? Which little boy brought home this friend? It was still very much alive, even poking out it's long, slimy eyeballs to say hello to me. WHY IS THIS DISGUSTING THING IN MY HOME, ON MY TABLE, IN THE SPOT WHERE I ALWAYS EAT?!?!

This is what it's like being the mommy to two boys. A life full of random snail trails.

Welcome to my crazy world...

A long time ago, on a website far, far removed, I used to blog. A lot. When my kids would nap, I'd sit down, relax, and blog about whatever was on my mind. It was incredibly theraputic for me to vent about my frustrations, my happiness, and my life.

Gone are the days when I could sit and blog during naptime. Those days are now replaced with carpools, playdates, homework, gymnastics, basketball practice, and general mayhem.

Don't get me wrong. I am absolutely the LUCKIEST woman on the planet. I have an amazing husband, two awesome kids, and the luxury of being a stay at home mom. I have a beautiful home, we're all healthy, and we are never hungry. We truly are blessed.

But sometimes those little blessings require lots of caffeine, lots of patience, and on occasion, pounding some grape. (If you don't know what "pounding grape" is, you obviously don't watch Cougar Town...)

I don't know exactly what this blog will be. I can't say what you're going to get from me out of it. But I can say, like my life, it will always be entertaining. :)

And now, a moment of silence for the death of MySpace.....