Thursday, May 12, 2011

My coffee is cold.

When you're a caffeinated supermom like myself, one thing is obvious. I love my coffee. I love the smell of it, the taste of it, the feel of a warm cup in my hands. And, of course, how it makes me feel less like a zombie perks me up. There are very few things I will allow to get in between me and my cup of necessity in the morning. One of those things is a conversation with another supermom friend.

Sometimes, as a busy mom, you get so busy that you'll find almost two weeks have gone by since you were able to sit down and chat with friends. So there are times when you will chat with someone for an hour while standing in the sun. It doesn't matter how bad your back hurts, or how you're longing for that warm cup of coffee back in your car.

So, I raise this cold cup of coffee to you, my friend in the blue car, and I say thank you for listening to me vent to you this morning. In the school parking lot. While you little girl protested by eating her toes in the backseat. And my coffee got cold. You're worth it. :)

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