Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We're all just doing our best.

First, I'm aware that it's been almost two years since I last blogged. I actually forgot about my little blog for awhile. But I'm back, and feeling feisty! :D

So, when did parenting become such a competition? I've noticed a bunch of blogs and articles recently about parenting. They all seem to say the same thing in different ways...Here's what you're doing wrong, and here's how to do it my way the right way!

What is the "right" way? There are so many ways to raise your children, how can you be sure you're doing it the "right" way? Well, as a fellow parent and human being, allow me to share with you my own list of standards.

  1. Don't be an asshole! You know, because "monkey see, monkey do" and such. 
  2. Everything in moderation. Don't kick yourself for driving through McDonald's after 3 hours of baseball. It's OK. Your kids aren't going to turn into Honey Boo Boo from the couple times a month you do drive through dinners. I promise. 
  3. We are an electronic generation! I hate to hear "When I was a kid, we kicked rocks and rode bikes. Kids today spend too much time with electronics!" I had to kick rocks as a kid, because THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE TO DO!!  I'm happy my kids have more entertainment options today. They exercise their brain all day at school, their bodies at recess and sports/practices for sports, and then they do more work at home with homework and chores. If little Johnny wants to play Minecraft for a couple of hours before bed, then so be it. He's earned it. 
  4. Don't feel guilty for YOU time! Guess what you were before you were a parent? You were a human who had interests of their own! Where is it written that we have to give up all things that were fun before, just because we decided to procreate? You just helped little Jill with all her homework. You cuddled on the couch and watched her favorite show. You made dinner and ate as a family. If you want to spend the rest of your evening on the couch with a book, or you want to go to the gym, then SO BE IT. We parents put so much pressure on ourselves to spend every waking free moment with our kids, entertaining them, nurturing them, doting on them. Stop feeling guilty because you don't want to play Mario on the Wii, or because you don't want to play Chutes and Ladders for 2 hours straight. Kids need to learn to entertain themselves as well. They will survive, I promise. And they aren't going to hate you, someday looking back like "I remember that one night in 3rd grade, when Mom refused to watch 'Jessie' with me..." 
  5. Stop trying to "fit it all in". I'll admit, I used to be the mom who wanted to have the cleanest house in all the land, all while making my own baby food and keeping everyone happy. Let me tell you, YOU CAN'T DO IT ALL. Don't try to kill yourself by trying to be the best at everything. I'm a much better cook than house cleaner. I'd rather spend my time making a meal that my family will make ALL THE YUMMY NOISES for, rather than scrub floor boards or dust mini blinds. So yeah, there might be crumbs on my floor. But instead of busting out my Swiffer every 5 minutes (and yes, with my kids...and husband...and dog, it would be every five minutes!), I'd rather spend my time doing something else productive. 
  6. Respect your fellow parents. Admit it. You totally judged the lady who let her kid have dessert at Chili's, or the mom who drives her kids to school, even though she lives only 2 blocks from school, or the dad who checked his email on his phone while he was out to lunch with his family. We all judge. We all do things "the wrong way", according to societal standards. But seriously, no one is perfect. So while you're silently horrified that the lady two booths away is letting her 3 year old inhale enough ice cream for your family of four, just remember this...we're all just trying our best. At the end of the day, that is all anyone can ask. So cut that mom some slack and remember, you have your own moments that you're probably not proud of. 
Every family has a different dynamic, schedule, and way to do things. What works for one may not work for another. So these articles that are full of parent-guilt...ignore them! Continue doing your best, watching your children thrive, and cut yourself some slack! Now get out there, create some memories, kick some rocks, and remember...tonight would be a great night for some In & Out Burgers! ;)

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